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Affichage des articles du 2013
Black People with Naturally Blonde Hair by Black Girl With Long Hair – May 10, 2012 By Tracey Wallace of Hair is simply amazing. The human body and the mechanisms by which it adapts to its environment are mind boggling, and our hair color, texture, porosity and everything else plays a massive part in how well we succeed in a particular environment (or at least it did before we started living in these air conditioned covered boxes). We all love and nourish our hair, but it’s so easy to forget just how magical these dead cells growing from out of our scalp really are. Enter the Melanesians, a native group of people living on the Soloman Islands northeast of Australia famous for their  beautiful dark skin and naturally blonde hair . Yep, that’s right. They don’t sport weaves, wigs, extensions, permanent dye, temporary dye, some weird henna reaction, or whatever else anyone uses to get t
Affirmative action in Brazil Slavery's legacy Apr 26th 2013, 12:27 by H.J. | SÃO PAULO TO SUM up recent research predicting a mixed-race future for humanity, biologist Stephen Stearns of Yale University turns to an already intermingled nation. In a few centuries, he says, we will all "look like Brazilians". Brazil shares with the United States a population built from European immigrants, their African slaves and the remnants of the Amerindian population they displaced. But with many more free blacks during the era of slavery, no "Jim Crow" laws or segregation after it ended in 1888 and no taboo on interracial romance, colour in Brazil became not a binary variable but a spectrum. Even so, it still codes for health, wealth and status. Light-skinned women strut São Paulo's upmarket shopping malls in designer clothes; dark-skinned maids in uniform walk behind with the bags and babies. Black and mixed-

Qui sont les riches ?

Les riches gagnent au moins 5.000 euros par mois Copyright Michel GAILLARD/REA in Share 0 | 07/02/2013, 09:13 - 363 mots Selon 60% des personnes interrogées par un sondage Ifop, une personne qui dispose d'au moins 5.000 euros par mois peut être considérée comme riche. Plus les sondés sont riches et âgés, plus ils ont tendance à augmenter ce seuil. Sur le même sujet L'homme le plus riche d'Afrique du Sud va donner la moitié de sa fortune Les Européens les plus riches sont... les Belges! Les Français sont d'accord pour taxer davantage les plus riches, mais pas à 75% Riches et pauvres "Êtes vous riche ou pauvre ?", interroge l’Observatoire des inégalités pour présenter son outil de comparaison des salaires. Celui-ci permet d’évaluer le pourcentage de la population qui gagne moins que la somme entrée dans la