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Affichage des articles du novembre, 2021

Giving Josephine Baker a Hero’s Grave Won’t Bury the Truth…

Giving Josephine Baker a Hero’s Grave Won’t Bury the Truth… About France’s republican racism. By Gary Younge Younge-Josephine_Baker-ftr_img Dancer, spy, activist: In France, Baker found acceptance, fame, love—and a country for which she was prepared to risk her life. (Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images; insets: (top) Hulton Archive / Getty Images, (bottom) poster by Zig, photo by Swim Ink 2, LLC / Corbis via Getty Images) As a student in Paris in the fall of 1990, my lodgings were the envy of my peers—even if the means by which I came about them were not. While fellow language students from my university in Edinburgh were stuck in soulless suburbs, I was ensconced in Rue des Fossés Saint-Jacques, a short walk from the Jardin du Luxembourg and around the corner from the Panthéon. I had been lucky to find anywhere at all. Flat hunting in Paris is tough for anyone; being Black made it considerably tougher. People would ask about your “origins” when you called. If they didn’t, you’d t

La bourgeoisie noire : une problématique du retour

La bourgeoisie noire : une problématique du retour Hélène Le Dantec-Lowry ABSTRACT FRANÇAIS ENGLISH The black middle class now living in suburbs is being increasingly influenced by white culture. An analysis of its lies with the African-American church and kin System, however, shows that, while there is a degree of acculturation to dominant values, this group often retains or readopts many of its original practices. This study is based in part on interviews conducted in St Louis, Missouri between 1983 and 1987 and during the summer of 1992. FULL TEXT 1 D’après le recensement de 1990, 46,9 % de Noirs (67,6 % de Blancs) gagnent plus de 25 000 dollars (...) 1La configuration socio-économique mais aussi culturelle de la communauté africaine-américaine ces dix dernières années traduit la diversification, l’éclatement en deux pôles souvent opposés. Il existe aujourd’hui une bourgeoisie – au statut le plus souvent récent1 – excentrée vers les banlieues et on voit désormais des divergences